
Home of the
DXrobot - Gouda - The Netherlands
'Daily DXspots' : A daily overview of all 2, 4 or 6 metre DX spots sent to your email address
How does it work?
- Every night, the DXrobot fetches all 2, 4 and 6 metres
DX spots from the previous day from the DX cluster. The complete list
is sent to the mailinglist 'dailydx-50' (six metre spots), 'dailydx-70' (four metre spots) and 'dailydx-144' (2
metre spots). This can be of use for those
who want to do statistical analysis (e.g. for propagation studies).
That's cool! Now how can I subscribe to the mailinglist?
- Click here to start the mailing list manager. Then select the dailydx list you wish to subscribe to.
Will I receive any other email via this mailinglist?
- No. Only the DXrobot can post messages to the
mailinglist, and no one
else. So you won't receive any spam either.
Can I use my mobile phone to receive the 'Daily DXspots'?
- As the list can be quite long, it is not recommended
to subscribe your mobile phone's emailaddress to the dailydx mailinglists.
What happens to the emailaddress(es) I supply?
- Almost nothing, they will only be placed on the
mailinglist. Your emailaddress will not be given away to anybody. Even other
DXrobot users have no access to the lists.